
Friday, February 7, 2020

15 tricky questions with easy and difficult answers

They are known as trick questions and often lead to wrong answers or make us doubt their response. These tricky questions can lead us to think that the answer is in the same statement or that your answer will be something more complicated than it really is.
In this article we give you 45 examples of funny questions with answers , to have a fun time with your family or your friends.
45 tricky questions with easy and difficult answers
Here is a selection of cheating questions and their answers, which you can use to challenge logic or squeeze your brain.
1. What color are the ‘black boxes’ of the planes?
This is one of the most popular trick questions, since the name of the box is misleading. Although they are called black boxes, they are usually orange, so they can be seen and found more easily in case of an accident.
2. If there are 12 fish in a tank and 5 of them are drowning, how many fish are left?
This is a tricky question , since by focusing on solving the mathematical calculation, we forget that fish do not drown in water. Therefore, the answer is 12, since the same remain.
3. What happened yesterday in Paris from 6 to 7?
How can we know what happened if we have not been? It is not necessary, because the only data we need is given by the same statement: what happened from 6 to 7 was one hour.
4. If a baby is born in Colombia, but when he is two years old, he goes to Ecuador, where do his teeth grow?
To answer this tricky question, it is not necessary to know when children grow their teeth or do any kind of calculation. The teeth grow in your mouth.
5. You are running in a race and you advance to the person who is in second place, in what position do you happen to be?
This question with a trap can make you think that you would be in the first position, but if you advance to the second, you stay in your position: second place.
6. The word Paris begins with “P” and ends with “T”, true or false?
It is true. The truth is that the word “Paris” begins with the letter “P” and the word “ends” begins with “T” as well. A tricky question with a lot of cheating because of the way it is formulated .
7. If an electric train moves north at 100 km / h and the wind blows west at 10 km / h, where will the smoke go?
This is another question posed with a trap in its statement. It is an electric train, which does not smoke.
8. What is the question that no one can answer in the affirmative?

The answer is “Are you asleep?”, Since if you are really asleep, you can not answer the question.

9. In what month do the Russians celebrate the October Revolution?
Many people will respond in a wrong way that is celebrated in October, given the name of the revolution, but the truth is that it is celebrated in the month of November. When the revolution took place, the Russians used the Julian calendar, in which that date was in October.

10. A father and son are on the road, until their car crashes in an accident. The father dies and the son is taken to the hospital to be operated. It is a complicated operation, so they call a medical eminence for surgery to operate it. When he enters the operating room he says: “I can not operate it, it’s my son”. Why does this happen?
This question was recently used to raise awareness about the prevailing machismo in our society. One of the answers to this trick question is that the medical eminence is the mother of the child, but many people relate “medical eminence” with a man, so they do not consider that this person can be the mother.
11. A is the father of B. But B is not the son of A. How is that possible?
This is another trick question similar to the previous one. B can not be A’s child because he is actually a girl and is his daughter.
12. What goes up and down, but still in the same place?
This is a difficult question to answer and it makes you think, but the answer is easier than it seems: it’s the stairs.
13. What word would you use to describe a man who does not have all the fingers in one hand?
This other question also makes you think, but has a trap for how it is formulated . The answer is that it is a normal man, since none has all the fingers in one hand.
14. What are camel hair brushes made of?
Although they have this name, camel hair brushes are not really made of that material. They are usually manufactured with squirrel hair, marten hair, goat hair or they can be simply made of synthetic hair.
15. How many are the months of the year that have 28 days?
It might seem that the answer is February, which only has 28 days. But the truth is that in reality every month they have 28 days.

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